Lunch after Sarah's Funeral

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BarbaraLeonardBeth (663x492, 98.1 kilobytes) BethMatt1 (799x492, 94.6 kilobytes) BethMatt2 (656x492, 88.6 kilobytes) CortneyCollin (369x492, 69.7 kilobytes)

CortneyCollin2 (346x492, 81.1 kilobytes) David (584x725, 85.8 kilobytes) DavidJudith (505x492, 95.9 kilobytes) GloriaBarbara (669x492, 73.0 kilobytes)

IrisJudith (245x476, 50.8 kilobytes) John (551x492, 91.8 kilobytes) Sarah1 (607x492, 85.1 kilobytes) Sarah2 (605x492, 83.4 kilobytes)

SarahBeth (448x492, 87.0 kilobytes) Table (656x492, 89.8 kilobytes)

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This page last updated April 28, 2003.

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