Byzantine Mosaics - Cristo Pantocreatore, etc.

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"The Norman sovereigns wished to emulate the splendour of Byzantium, a city they yearned to conquer. . . The churches were given the latest contemporary decoration: Byzantine mosaics laid by Orthodox (Greek) artists." - from Michelin Green Guide to Sicily

Monreale - Duomo (Cathedral)
Monreale - Duomo, with Mosaics all around (667x500, 100.0 kilobytes) Monreale - Duomo - the Apse (375x500, 99.2 kilobytes) Monreale - Duomo - Pancreator (540x500, 100.7 kilobytes) Monreale - One of the 50 bible stories in the nave:

Cefalù - Duomo
Cefalù - Duomo - Apse Upper (674x500, 100.1 kilobytes) Cefalù - Apse - Redemptor (375x500, 103.2 kilobytes)

Palermo - Cappella Palatina
Palermo - Cappella Palatina (Palatine Chapel) in the Norman Palace (667x500, 92.8 kilobytes) Palermo - Cappella Palatina - built between 1160-1180 (500x500, 105.3 kilobytes) Palermo - Cappella Palatina - flanked by Peter (Sanctus Petrus) and Paul (Sanctus Paulius) (562x500, 101.2 kilobytes)

Palermo - La Martorana
Palermo - La Martorana (12th century) (394x500, 101.6 kilobytes) Palermo - La Martorana - Closeup (490x500, 87.9 kilobytes)

Palermo - Other Mosaics in La Martorana
La Martorana - George of Antioch prostrate at the foot of the Virgin.  Does he look like a turtle? Or more like a beetle? (667x500, 84.9 kilobytes) La Martorana - Roger II receiving the crown directly from Christ. (667x500, 89.4 kilobytes) La Martorana - a tree (of life?) (567x500, 96.9 kilobytes)

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This page last updated July 25, 2002.

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