Red Sand Beach, the best beach in Hana, on the east end of Maui
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This is the easy part of a steep, slidy trail to Red Sand Beach
The red beach comes from erosion of the red cliff behind it.
The cliff is fertile, but erodes faster than plants can grow.
Waves crash on the ridges of lava that protect the bay.
Inside the ridges, it's calm. The beach is mostly red pebbles, rounded by the sea.
There were a dozen people on the beach. These two girls . . .
. . . one with a tattoo . . .
. . . these naturists . . .
. . .
. . . and this hippie. He spread his jewelry on the leopard blanket, then juggled his staff; finally he unrolled a synthesizer and played.
Here the rocks are bigger, and the divers are older.
Not driftwood, but trunks of trees that have eroded out of the cliff.
This tree was once up on the cliff.
I hope Gloria wakes up before the tree falls on her.
Our shadows on the shallows. Gloria in her round hat, Max in his size 8 baseball cap.